Xiqual 0.9.1

In file xigfx/xi_main.c:

int xi_main


Handle input and GUI.


Handle input and GUI. Update mouse cursor (if you supplied a new one), pump the input queue to get key/mouse/joystate and update the LUI subsystem's gadgets. If a gadget is activated, all those things are handled.

Use xi_init() or xi_inittag() to set an XI_MAINHOOK tag pointing to your input handler.

The hook will be called with a pointer to a keystate, a modstate and a mousestate (Uint8 *, SDLMod and Uint8, respectively), and two integers (int) with the current mouse coordinates.

Note: You'll have to use SDL's joystick functions yourself in this main loop to read any joysticks, as Xiqual currently has no code relating to joysticks. This might change if anyone ever wants even easier handling.

Warning: Do not run this function if you haven't initialised Xiqual with xi_init() yet.

Ronny Bangsund
See Also:
xi_init(), xi_inittag(), xi_quit()

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