Xiqual 0.9.1

In file ../xitools/opts.c:

typedef struct OptNode

Option node.

[more]char* name
Name of option, a character or keyword
[more]char* arg
The argument, if the option required a string arg
[more]ulong type
Type of option indicates what field to check
[more]long val
32-bit signed integer value, if the option required that
[more]float fval
Float, if the option required a floating point number


Option node.
ochar* name
Name of option, a character or keyword

ochar* arg
The argument, if the option required a string arg

oulong type
Type of option indicates what field to check

olong val
32-bit signed integer value, if the option required that

ofloat fval
Float, if the option required a floating point number
See Also:

Alphabetic index

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