Xiqual 0.9.1
In file include/views.h:typedef struct xiview
This is a view, for use as sprites, message boxes, or anything else that might need to store the rectangle it is blitted over.
struct xiview *next
- Next view, if used in a List
struct xiview *prev
- Previous view, if used in a List
char* name
- Optional name for this view
SDL_Surface* store
- Rectangle we blitted this view over (available by default)
SDL_Surface* image
- The image to blit onto screen
SDL_Surface* screen
- This is the SDL_Surface that this view is tied to.
ulong flags
- Various xiview flags, as documented in view_new()
Uint32 bgcol
- This will be used as fill colour if XIV_FILLBACK is defined in flags, or a colourkey unless XIV_NOKEY is defined
int w
- Width of area to blit onto
int h
- Height of area to blit onto
int x
- X position in screen
int y
- Y position in screen
char hidden
- TRUE if hidden by view_hide()
This is a view, for use as sprites, message boxes, or anything
else that might need to store the rectangle it is blitted over.
struct xiview *next
Next view, if used in a List
struct xiview *prev
Previous view, if used in a List
char* name
Optional name for this view
SDL_Surface* store
Rectangle we blitted this view over (available by default)
SDL_Surface* image
The image to blit onto screen
SDL_Surface* screen
This is the SDL_Surface that this view is tied to.
Note that there is nothing stopping you from using any old surface
to blit onto.
ulong flags
Various xiview flags, as documented in view_new()
Uint32 bgcol
This will be used as fill colour if XIV_FILLBACK is defined in flags,
or a colourkey unless XIV_NOKEY is defined
int w
Width of area to blit onto
int h
Height of area to blit onto
int x
X position in screen
int y
Y position in screen
char hidden
TRUE if hidden by view_hide()
- Author:
- Ronny Bangsund
- See Also:
- view_new(), view_show(), view_hide()
Alphabetic index
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