Xiqual 0.9.1
In file include/xixml.h:typedef struct xmldoc
The XML document structure.
char* name
- Document name passed at create time.
char* encoding
- Document encoding used.
ulong flags
- Document flags.
List hooks
- List of function hooks.
struct xmltag *root
- Pointer to the root element.
struct xmltag *current
- Internal use
The XML document structure.
All parsing starts here.
char* name
Document name passed at create time.
If created via xml_loaddoc(), this contains its full path.
char* encoding
Document encoding used.
Not actually implemented yet, but will contain ISO8859-1
or similar keywords for use whenever the parser supports
different encodings.
ulong flags
Document flags.
For future use.
List hooks
List of function hooks.
hook->name is the name sorted by, which is the tagname.
- See Also:
- hook
struct xmltag *root
Pointer to the root element.
XML allows only one tag at the root.
This is it. All other tags must be
nested within this.
struct xmltag *current
Internal use
Alphabetic index
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